Saturday, November 8, 2008


Tonight we celebrated Martinmas with some Waldorf families in Dubai. We did a Lantern walk with the children and parents in Safa Park. It was beautiful. Everyone had made a wonderful effort and the lanterns were stunning.

" Tiny lanterns glowing bright.

In the darkness of the night,

Tiny lanterns light our way

Blessed be Saint Martin's day."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hand Puppet and finger puppets

A kitty hand puppet and the little mousie finger puppets, quite realisitic ...

Emily (6) stitched the mouse one herself.

Salvaged wood

A tree house made from planks dumped on construction sites. We are growing a bean creeper up the side.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nana's Dolls

We are very lucky to have an artistic and talented grandmother who has made the girls a set of dolls for their play. A King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Witch and Fairy.


"Swan swim over the sea, swim swan swim.

Swan swim back again, well swum swan."

"Three gray geese on the green grass grazing.

Gray are the geese,

Green is the grazing"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

View from the bottom of a dune

Summer Nature Table

Our first 'real' effort at a nature table. Emily(6) felted the butterfly. Katie (5), Livi (3) and Emily did the bees. They were quite easy. First roll a black felt ball. Push it into a, egg shape. Neddle felt a but of yellow magic wool for the wings.

The boats are walnut shells with duck feathers glued in. And our visiting fairy is a wee little lilly flower fairy.

Puppet theatre

Matthew made the theatre and I made the puppets. They are marionettes and our first story with them was "The Frog Prince".